7 easy tips to keep in mind while booking your stay

So whenever it comes to the vacation one thing we all cannot miss in any case is the hotel or resort bookings. We all know that we have to plan our accommodation well before we finally fly to our favorite destination. Earlier choosing or booking hotels was a tedious task and nobody was even interested n making so many efforts. We were like just visiting one or two referred hotels by the taxi drivers or the nearby passing and just booking them. But now the king Hotel is not the same as it was earlier.
There is a lot of fun in booking hotels as we can now make our hotel bookings from the comfort of our couch. We don’t have to step out for anything and all those steps that were earlier involved no longer work. The best part of all this is the invention of hotel booking sites. There are online platforms or we can say digital applications that facilitate hotel, ticket, railway, and other bookings in just seconds. It has made the whole procedure so interesting and effortless.

The best part is we can see in advance almost everything about a hotel like the displayed hotel room pictures, washrooms pictures, balcony views, entrance, reception, play area, pool, and other attractive corners of the hotels. This means we can easily check to where we are going and how we can plan our trip. But still, we will share a glimpse of the tips before you book your resorts in Dandeli or nearby areas for your stay. Take a look:
- The best part is location: We all know the most important part of every stay is the location. We all are having different choices when it comes to a hotel or resort stay. As many of us are market lovers and want our stay near the market area. On the other hand, there are people who are peace lovers and want the hotels on the outskirts to enjoy peace. It will be easier for you to book once you have decided to which category you belong. When it comes to resorts then most of the resorts are not in the market area as they are constructed on the large scale and need more space. Rest the choice will be totally yours so decide before you book.
- The most trending resort: We all know that whenever we search on the internet for the resorts or hotels we all try to write the best hotels in a particular place. After this, we get the list of the best or top resorts or hotels and this is how we make our booking decision. We all want to stay in the resorts or hotels that are trending. We also make use of social media platforms to know the best hotels. The thing is nowadays everyone is concerned with the social media and wants the best pictures to pose at. This is only possible if we are having the best location part inside the hotel premises. We also try to save the addresses of the hotels that are trending on social media. So, you can also take the help of this platform to book the best.
- Extra discount always attracts: While booking your stay we always come across some sale coupons or discount codes that we can choose in order to get the best price. But when it comes to hotel booking online we already get the best price there as compared to offline booking. As offline booking, charges more prices and you have to book on the spot. But in online bookings, you can enjoy the cheap prices quoted by the hotels. So, check out whatever is available so that you can find the best price.
- Don’t forget to explore the gallery of the hotel: The hotel booking sites offers so many pictures in their gallery. This is due to the fact that everyone believes what they see and not what they listen to. It is mandatory in case of online shopping or booking that the pictures are the best representation of everything. You need to see how things look in real and this is indicated in the pictures. So, before booking the hotel or any resort makes sure you scroll well through the hotel’s gallery.
- Read the description in detail: The online booking sites allow us to read the details mentioned so that we can have better clarification. The hotels are having the details written when we open the particular that we select. For example, you can know about the exact map location, distance from the airport, distance from the market, amenities offered, displayed pictures, cost for your stay, and so on. All these things are representative and are quite helpful to finalize any decision. Make sure you read them before clicking on the book my stay.
- Check out what they offer: Whenever you book your stay it is important to know what they offer. Without this, it won’t be helpful for you to choose the most suitable one. We are having many prerequisites while finding or booking a hotel and you should consider this. There are so many basic to advance amenities being offered by the resort on a stay and you need to check out all these. This will cover the uninterrupted internet facility, better network connections, spa, gym area, play area, buffet breakfast, the best room views, parking facility, and so on. Read in detail to know more about this.
- The customer’s reviews, feedback, and much more: We cannot rely only on the details mentioned by the resort. You need to look at the real side image of the story as well. This means the reviews of the customers given on the ambiance, food, security, comfort, etc also play an important role. You can read the feedback mentioned therein by the ones who have visited the place previously. Also, the real pictures posted by travelers will also be helpful.
So, these are so simple yet helpful tips we can try.